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Data Structures

Maple uses sequences, lists, sets, tables and arrays for representing more complicated data. See ?sequences, ?list, ?set, ?table, ?array for more detailed help and examples. A sequence is a sequence of expressions separated by commas. The seq function is a very useful function for creating sequences. It's syntax is

Lists group sequences and are created using square brackets [, ]. Sets are like lists except duplicate entries are removed. Sets are created using squiggley brackets {, }. Examples

> S1 := 1,5,3;
                                 S1 := 1, 5, 3

> max(S1);

> S2 := seq(i^2, i=1..5);
                             S2 := 1, 4, 9, 16, 25

> S2[3];

> S1 := {x,y,z,y};
                                S1 := {x, y, z}

> S1 union {w,x};
                                  {x, y, z, w}

> L1 := [x,y,z,y];
                               L1 := [x, y, z, y]

> L2 := [L1[4],L1[2..3]];
                                L2 := [y, y, z]