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Functions and Graphics

Mathematical functions of one or more variables can be defined in Maple. The function can be evaluated at either numerical or symbolic expressions. For example

> f:=x->sin(x)/x;
                                f := x -> ------

> f(2.0);

> f(t);
Functions can be graphed with the plot command which has the following syntax.

That means, that the function will be drawn on the interval to . Try this now

> plot(f,-12..12);

An example of a function in two variables

> g:=(x,y)->(x^2-y^2)/(x^2+y^2);
                                            2    2
                                           x  - y
                             g := (x,y) -> -------
                                            2    2
                                           x  + y

> g(1,2);

> g(1,x);
                                     1 - x
                                     1 + x

Functions of two variables can be graphed with the plot3d command

> plot3d(g, -1..1, -1..1);

The examples above are plots of functions. The other possibility is to graph an expression. The syntax and examples for plotting expressions is

> plot( sin(x)/x, x=-12..12 );
> plot3d( (x^2-y^2)/(x^2+y^2), x=-1..1, y=-1..1 );