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backsub - back substitution in an augmented triangular matrix
companion - construct the companion matrix for a monic polynomial
concat - concatenate matrices and/or column vectors together
ffgausselim - fraction-free Gaussian elimination
gausselim - changed to do ordinary Gaussian elimination over a field
GramSchmidt - Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization
innerprod - the inner product of a sequence of matrices and vectors
JordanBlock - construct a Jordan block matrix
linsolve - extended to solve
is a matrix
matrix - utility routine for creating a matrix
minor - utility routine for picking off the
'th minor of a matrix
randmatrix - utility routine to generate matrices with random entries
pivot - do a single row elimination step on a matrix
stack - stack matrices and/or row vectors on top of each other
vector - utility routine for creating a vector
rank, rowspace, colspace - generalized to work for rational functions
eigenvects - The routine has been modified to return a sequence of lists
of the form
is an eigenvalue,
its multiplicity,
a set of vectors for
the basis for the eigenspace of
It has also been generalized to
work for a matrix over any algebraic number field.