Next: About this document
Up: An Efficient Symbolic-Numeric Environment
Previous: Acknowledgements
- 1
- E. Anderson, Z. Bai, C. Bischof, J. Demmel,
J. Dongarra, J. Du Croz, A. Greenbaum, S. Hammarling, A. McKenney,
S. Ostrouchov and D. Sorensen (1992) The LAPACK users' guide, SIAM
publications, Philadelphia.
- 2
- V. I. Arnold (1989) Mathematical methods of
Classical Mechanics, Springer Verlag.
- 3
- AXIOM is a development of SCRATCHPAD which was
originated by IBM in Yorktown Heights. It is now being developed and
marketed by the Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd.
- 4
- R. L. Brenner (1984) Simplifying Large Algebraic
expressions by computer, in Golden, V. E. editor, Proceedings of the
1984 Macsyma User's Conference, 50-109, General Electric,
Schenectady, New York.
- 5
- K. A. Broughan, G. Keady, T. D. Robb, M. G. Richardson
and M. C. Dewar (1991) Some symbolic computing links to the NAG numeric
library, SIGSAM bulletin, 25(3), 28-37.
- 6
- M. C. Dewar (1992) Interfacing Algebraic and Numeric
Computation, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Bath, U.K. available as Bath
Mathematics and Computer Science Technical Report 92-54.
- 7
- The file of Frequently Asked Questions from the net news group
comp.lang.fortran contains information on the status of the GNU FORTRAN project
amongst other issues. It can be found at:
- 8
- B. L. Gates (1987) The GENTRAN User's Manual:
Reduce Version. The RAND Corporation.
- 9
- D. Goldberg (1991), What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About
Floating Point Arithmetic, ACM. Computing Surveys 23 1, 5-48.
- 10
- S. P. Harbison and G. L. Steele (1991) C: A
Reference Manual, Prentice-Hall.
- 11
- V. Khera and H. Greenside (1990) An Interface for
Accessing External Numerical Libraries, The Mathematica Journal, Vol.1
Issue 2, 84-88.
- 12
- D. E. Knuth (1989) The TeXbook, Addison Wesley.
- 13
- J. D. Lambert (1991) Numerical Methods for Ordinary
Differential Equations : The Initial Value Problem, John Wiley.
- 14
- B. MacGregor (1990) MathCode : A Code Generation
Package for Mathematica, Schlumberger Technologies Corp.
- 15
- R. Maeder (1991) Programming in Mathematica,
Addison Wesley.
- 16
- R. Maeder (1992) Advanced Programming in
Mathematica, Course Notes: the Boston Mathematica Conference.
- 17
- MAPLE is a product of Waterloo Maple Software, 160
Columbia Street West, Waterloo N2L 3L3, Canada.
- 18
- MathLink Reference Guide (1991) Wolfram Research
technical report, WRI.
- 19
- nb2tex is available from MathSource (,
the electronic archive of Mathematica-related programs, maintained by Wolfram
Research Inc.
- 20
- L. P. Meissner and E. I. Organick (1980) FORTRAN 77
Featuring Structured Programming, Addison Wesley.
- 21
- M. P. W. Mutrie, B. W. Char and R. H. Bartels (1987)
Expression Optimization Using High-Level Knowledge, Proceedings of
EUROCAL '87, Springer-Verlag, 64-70.
- 22
- NAG FORTRAN Library Manual Mark 15 (1992) Numerical
Algorithms Group Ltd., Wilkinson House, Jordan Hill Road, Oxford , U.K.
- 23
- NETLIB is a collection of sites containing public
domain numerical software, such as LAPACK and ODEPACK. Send an email
massage containing the line `send index' for an overview. The current
sites are : (AT&TBell Labs, New Jersey, USA), (Oak Ridge Nat. Lab, Tenn., USA), (Univ. of Kent, UK), (Oslo,
Norway), (U. of Wollongong, NSW, Australia)
- 24
- T. S. Parker and L. O. Chua (1989) Practical Numerical
Algorithms for Chaotic Systems, Appendix A, Springer-Verlag.
- 25
- R. D. Skeel and J. B. Keiper (1993) Elementary
Numerical Computing with Mathematica, McGraw-Hill.
- 26
- C. Smith (1993) Notebooks into Books via
The Mathematica Journal, Volume 3 Issue 3, 69-73.
- 27
- M. Sofroniou, Symbolic And Numerical Methods for
Hamiltonian Systems, Ph.D. thesis, Loughborough University of
Technology, United Kingdom (to appear).
- 28
- M. Sofroniou (1993), Extending The Built-In Format
Rules, The Mathematica Journal, Volume 3 Issue 3, 74-80.
- 29
- M. Sofroniou, A Package For Expression Optimization, Journal Of Symbolic Computation (to appear).
- 30
- M. Sofroniou (1993), An Efficient Symbolic-Numeric
Environment Using Mathematica, in Proceedings of the Workshop on
Symbolic and Numerical Computation, ed. H. Apiola, University of
Helsinki Technical Report Series, 69-83.
- 31
- W. Stallings (1990) Computer Organisation and
Architecture : Principles of Structure and Function, 2nd edition,
- 32
- J. Stoer and R. Burlisch (1980) Introduction To
Numerical Analysis, Springer Verlag.
- 33
- D. Stoutemyer (1993), Crimes and Misdemeanors in the Computer
Algebra Trade, Notices of the AMS. 38 7, 778-785.
- 34
- M. C. Wirth (1980), On the Automation of Computational
Physics, Ph.D. thesis. Univ. Calif., Davis School of Applied Science, Lawrence
Livermore Lab. (also in 1981 SYMSAC).
- 35
- S. Wolfram (1991), Mathematica: A Systems for Doing
Mathematics by Computer, Addison Wesley, second edition.