Index of /video/if2014/mp4


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[VID]01_Voronov_screen.mp4 16MVoronov - Theoretical physics at BLTP 0h 16m
[VID]01_Voronov.mp4104MVoronov - Theoretical physics at BLTP 0h 16m
[VID]18_Tyurin_screen.mp4 25MTyurin - Exotic Lagrangian tori in toric symplectic manifolds 0h 25m
[VID]18_Tyurin.mp4156MTyurin - Exotic Lagrangian tori in toric symplectic manifolds 0h 25m
[VID]20_Silenko_screen.mp4 33MSilenko - General properties of a Dirac particle in Riemannian spacetimes 0h 34m
[VID]20_Silenko.mp4209MSilenko - General properties of a Dirac particle in Riemannian spacetimes 0h 34m
[VID]21_Shnir_screen.mp4 26MShnir - Isospinning knots and planar Skyrmions 0h 26m
[VID]21_Shnir.mp4167MShnir - Isospinning knots and planar Skyrmions 0h 26m
[VID]13_Saha_screen.mp4 23MSaha - Spinor field in cosmology: problems and possibilities 0h 23m
[VID]13_Saha.mp4168MSaha - Spinor field in cosmology: problems and possibilities 0h 23m
[VID]17_Ray_screen.mp4 37MRay - Partition function of Beta-Gamma system on some orbifolds 0h 38m
[VID]17_Ray.mp4252MRay - Partition function of Beta-Gamma system on some orbifolds 0h 38m
[VID]02_Ramakrishnan_screen.mp4 35MRamakrishnan - A Ginzburg-Landau like theory for high temperature superconductivity in the cuprates 0h 35m
[VID]02_Ramakrishnan.mp4212MRamakrishnan - A Ginzburg-Landau like theory for high temperature superconductivity in the cuprates 0h 35m
[VID]04_Priezzhev_screen.mp4 25MPriezzhev - Deepak Dhar and statistical mechanics in BLTP 0h 25m
[VID]04_Priezzhev.mp4113MPriezzhev - Deepak Dhar and statistical mechanics in BLTP 0h 25m
[VID]19_Pirozhenko_screen.mp4 32MPirozhenko - Mathematical aspects of quantum vacuum studies 0h 32m
[VID]19_Pirozhenko.mp4201MPirozhenko - Mathematical aspects of quantum vacuum studies 0h 32m
[VID]16_Mukhopadhyay_screen.mp4 39MMukhopadhyay - Non-linear sigma model, loop space and tubular geometry 0h 40m
[VID]16_Mukhopadhyay.mp4266MMukhopadhyay - Non-linear sigma model, loop space and tubular geometry 0h 40m
[VID]03_Mukhopadhyay_screen.mp4 28MMukhopadhyay - Condensed matter physics research in Department of Atomic Energy 0h 30m
[VID]03_Mukhopadhyay.mp4172MMukhopadhyay - Condensed matter physics research in Department of Atomic Energy 0h 30m
[VID]09_Melezhik.mp4227MMelezhik - Ultracold few-body systems in optical traps 0h 34m
[VID]15_Khvedelidze_screen.mp4 37MKhvedelidze - Towards an algebraic description of the mixed quantum states 0h 38m
[VID]15_Khvedelidze.mp4229MKhvedelidze - Towards an algebraic description of the mixed quantum states 0h 38m
[VID]05_Jolos_screen.mp4 28MJolos - Structure of nuclei with Z~100 0h 28m
[VID]05_Jolos.mp4201MJolos - Structure of nuclei with Z~100 0h 28m
[VID]11_Gangopadhyay_screen.mp4 33MGangopadhyay - Hawking temperature in the context of dark energy 0h 33m
[VID]11_Gangopadhyay.mp4209MGangopadhyay - Hawking temperature in the context of dark energy 0h 33m
[VID]12_Fursaev_screen.mp4 34MFursaev - Towards derivation of holographic entanglement entropy 0h 35m
[VID]12_Fursaev.mp4211MFursaev - Towards derivation of holographic entanglement entropy 0h 35m
[VID]10_Fedoruk_screen.mp4 33MFedoruk - New models of supersymmetric quantum mechanics and supersymmetric field theories 0h 35m
[VID]10_Fedoruk.mp4271MFedoruk - New models of supersymmetric quantum mechanics and supersymmetric field theories 0h 35m
[VID]14_Baushev_screen.mp4 33MBaushev - Dark matter as an astrophysical object: how to fit observational data? 0h 34m
[VID]14_Baushev.mp4217MBaushev - Dark matter as an astrophysical object: how to fit observational data? 0h 34m