| Name | Size | Description |
| Parent Directory | - | |
| 07_Friesen.mkv | 476M | 2017-04-10 : Friesen - Phase diagram in PNJL model 0h 25m |
| 05_Blashke.mkv | 638M | 2017-04-10 : Blashke - Modern aspects of the quark-hadron matter EoS for simulations 0h 34m |
| 06_Bastian.mkv | 655M | 2017-04-10 : Bastian - EOS with quark-hadron phase transition 0h 34m |
| 03_Palmese.mkv | 691M | 17-04-10-1 : Palmese - Observables from heavy-ion collisions in the NICA energy regime 0h 36m |
| 04_Karpenko.mkv | 698M | 2017-04-10 : Karpenko - Vorticity and Lambda polarization at NICA energies 0h 37m |
| 08_Voskresensky.mkv | 734M | 2017-04-10 : Voskresensky - On dynamics of the first order quark-hadron and liquid-gas phase transitions 0h 38m |
| 02_Steinberg.mkv | 921M | 17-04-10-1 : Steinberg - SMASH: A new hadron transport approach for heavy-ion collisions 0h 49m |
| 01_Bratkovskaya.mkv | 1.0G | 17-04-10-1 : Bratkovskaya - Simulations with the PHSD for NICA 0h 56m |