| Name | Size | Description |
| Parent Directory | - | |
| 03_Filippov.mp4 | 703M | 2014-10-15 : Filippov - On gauge-independent exact solution of general homogenoious, isotropic cosmologies with scalaron 1h 4m |
| 03_Filippov_screen.mp4 | 115M | 2014-10-15 : Filippov - On gauge-independent exact solution of general homogenoious, isotropic cosmologies with scalaron 1h 4m |
| 02_Karasev.mp4 | 522M | 2014-10-15 : Karasev - Hyperbolic resonances, Quadratic brackets, Quartic Hamiltonians 0h 51m |
| 02_Karasev_screen.mp4 | 97M | 2014-10-15 : Karasev - Hyperbolic resonances, Quadratic brackets, Quartic Hamiltonians 0h 51m |
| 04_Manko.mp4 | 536M | 2014-10-15 : Manko - Probability representation of quantum mechanics and entropy energy uncertainty relation 0h 53m |
| 04_Manko_screen.mp4 | 98M | 2014-10-15 : Manko - Probability representation of quantum mechanics and entropy energy uncertainty relation 0h 53m |
| 01_Slavnov.mp4 | 381M | 2014-10-15 : Slavnov - Classical soliton-like solutions of the Yang-Mills theory 0h 37m |
| 01_Slavnov_screen.mp4 | 72M | 2014-10-15 : Slavnov - Classical soliton-like solutions of the Yang-Mills theory 0h 37m |